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On the implementation of the "anti-Corruption Promotion and Education Month" activities

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CPC Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group Ecological Construction Management Co., LTD. Branch committee documents
Shaanxi Huan Ecological Dang Zi No. 6 [2018] Signed by: Pang Zhengxi

China Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group ecological construction Management Co., LTD. Branch committee
On the implementation of the "anti-Corruption Promotion and Education Month" activities
By party group:
       In order to implement the work deployment of the Group company's 2018 Party Style and clean Government construction and anti-corruption work conference and the company's 2018 Party style and clean Government construction and anti-corruption work conference,According to the requirements of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Group Company, the implementation plan of the "Anti-corruption Promotion and Education Month" activity is carried out,Formulate the implementation plan of the ecological company's "Education Month" activity。Specific plans are as follows:
oneGuiding ideology
以党的十九大精神及习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神为指导,Conscientiously implement the work deployment requirements of the Group Company's 2018 Party Style and clean Government construction and anti-corruption work Conference and the company's 2018 Party style and clean Government construction and anti-corruption work conference,We will seriously conduct intra-party political activities,Strictly observe political discipline and rules,Take the initiative to accept intra-party supervision,Constantly enhance the "Four consciousnesses" of Party Cadres,Enhance the consciousness of compliance with regulations and discipline。Focusing on the goal of "do not want to corrupt", adhere to positive guidance and classified teaching, deeply promote the standardization and routine of anti-corruption education, and steadily promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two learning and one doing" learning education, providing the company with a fighting fortress platform with good mental state and excellent work results。
Second, activity time
From 1 May 2018 to 31 May 2018
3. Activity theme
2018 anti-Corruption Education and Publicity Month Theme: Enhance the "Four consciousness", strictly abide by the "discipline rules"。
The "four consciousness" refers to the political consciousness, the overall situation consciousness, the core consciousness, and the consciousness of alignment。Political awareness is fundamental and an important basis and overall guide for strengthening unity and cohesion。In real work and life, political consciousness requires that we must strictly implement the Party's line, principles and policies, strictly abide by the Party's political discipline, and maintain a high degree of political consistency with the Party Central Committee at all times。An awareness of the overall situation is the key and an important requirement for enhancing solidarity and unity and pooling the driving force for development。Overall awareness means that we should always take the needs of the overall situation as the starting point for thinking and solving problems in practice, and all words and deeds should be in line with the development needs of the overall situation, forming the overall thought of "one game of chess"。The core consciousness is a guarantee and an important condition for enhancing solidarity and unity and pooling the driving force for development。Only with the core consciousness can we grasp the key points in our work and clarify the specific development goals and directions。To strengthen the core consciousness is to resolutely safeguard the CPC, the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics。The sense of alignment is the guarantee and the enhancement of unity and consent。Concrete guarantee for building momentum for development。In order for a team to be organized, there must be clear and recognized standards, and everyone can act according to this agreed standard and keep up with each other。严守纪律规矩,就是要牢固树立党章意识,严守政治纪律、组织纪律、群众纪律、工作纪律、生活纪律、自觉用党章党规党纪规范自己的言行,自觉在政治上思想上行动上以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。
4. Key learning content
(3) The Constitution of the Communist Party of China, Several Guidelines on the Political Life Within the Party Under the New Situation, the Guidelines on Integrity and Self-discipline of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on Accountability of the Communist Party of China, and the Regulations on Intra-Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China
(4) How to be a Qualified Party Member
(5) Watch discs such as "Alarm Bell", "Planning for Prison" and "Warning Record of Violations of discipline and Law by leaders of Central Enterprises"
5. Activity methods
Focusing on enhancing the "four consciousness", strictly adhering to the theme of "discipline rules", combining the company's actual situation and "two learning and one doing" learning and education, to carry out "six one" activities;
(A) to carry out a party lecture activities。The secretary of the branch has a correct understanding of the situation of anti-corruption and advocating integrity,Lead style construction to the depth "as the theme,Contact with personal ideological reality, work practice and learning experience,In accordance with the division of responsibilities and the requirements of one post and two responsibilities,Give party lessons to branch members,Guide party members and cadres to accurately grasp the scientific connotation and spiritual essence of the theme of education,Enhance the "Four consciousnesses",Adhere to the "rules of discipline"。
(2) Conduct integrity education activities。Watch the "alarm bell", "Planning for prison" and "Warning record of discipline and Law violations of Central enterprise leaders" CD-ROM, using the typical cases notified by superiors and companies, as well as the personal affairs around the unit, and generally conduct a clean education for Party members and cadres。
(3) Write an experience article。结合学习党章党规和习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,学思践悟。
(4) Holding an honest government knowledge examination activity。Organize party members to actively participate in the Party rules and discipline related knowledge examination activities at the Party meeting, help party members and cadres to deepen the understanding and mastery of the Party rules and discipline knowledge, wake up the awareness of the Party Constitution, and enhance the consciousness of compliance with the rules and discipline。
6. Activity requirements
1. Strengthen organizational leadership。The Party branch should formulate a plan for teaching the month ahead, and take carrying out the month ahead as an important task for implementing the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and fulfilling the main responsibility。The person in charge of the party organization should concentrate on the implementation of the activities, incorporate the idea of anti-corruption into the "two learning and one doing" learning and education, and the "three meetings and one lesson", so as to integrate into daily life and catch on often。
2. Focusing on education results。The campaign of anti-corruption Education and Publicity Month is an important content of the construction of Party conduct, clean government and anti-corruption,It should be combined with the spirit of implementing the company's party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work conference,Strive to carry out effectively through educational activities,Further enhance the cohesion, creativity and combat effectiveness of cadres and employees,Further promote reform,Promote development。
3. Play an exemplary role。Party members and leading cadres should take the lead and actively participate in the publicity month activities, strive to be in front, be a good example, learn more, deeper, stricter and higher requirements, and give full play to the role of demonstration guidance。
(4) Do a good job in education summary。Before May 8, the publicity month activities will be summarized。
     China Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group ecological construction Management Co., LTD. Branch committee
     January 8, 2018
Issued by the Party Branch of Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group Ecological Construction Management Co., Ltd. on January 8, 2018

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